Cinquains are poems that are short and easy to write. They follow the format below.
They have a set number of lines that they have to be that goes like this:
1st line: One word. This acts as your title
2nd line: Two words. These are Describing words about your title
3rd line: Three words. Some Action words to do with the title
4th line: Four words: Feelings about the title
5th line: One word: That is a Synonym or word that means the same as the title
Your task is to write a Cinquain about the Treaty of Waitangi.
Here’s how to do it:
Brainstorm words or ideas to do with the Treaty.
Use the thesaurus to help gather more words.
Describing words: Maori’s trading, Agreements made,
Action words: fighting,
Feelings: Unfair, Miscommunication, unjust, inequitable, prejudiced, biased, discriminatory; preferential, one-sided, unequal, uneven, unbalanced, partial, distorted, warped, loaded, weighted, slanted.Synonyms: agreement, settlement, pact, deal, accord, concord, protocol, compact, convention, contract, pledge; truce; alliance.
Maori, English
Fighting, Trading, Sharing
Weighted unjust biased uneven