
Friday, 21 February 2014

Week 3 reflection

I am proud at swimming because I got better.
I am proud of maths because  I have been doing maths at home.
I am going to get better at reading by reading more stories.

2 stars & a wish

WALT: Evaluate our learning honestly.

Monday, 17 February 2014


WALT: Share our understanding about the value.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Treaty cinquains

Cinquains are poems that are short and easy to write. They follow the format below.
They have a set number of lines that they have to be that goes like this:
1st line: One word. This acts as your title
2nd line: Two words. These are Describing words about your title
3rd line: Three words. Some Action words to do with the title
4th line: Four words: Feelings about the title
5th line: One word: That is a Synonym or word that means the same as the title
Your task is to write a Cinquain about the Treaty of Waitangi. 
Here’s how to do it:
Brainstorm words or ideas to do with the Treaty. 
Use the thesaurus to help gather more words.
Describing words: Maori’s trading, Agreements made,
Action words: fighting,
Feelings: Unfair, Miscommunication, unjust, inequitable, prejudiced, biased, discriminatory; preferential, one-sided, unequal, uneven, unbalanced, partial, distorted, warped, loaded, weighted, slanted.Synonyms: agreement, settlement, pact, deal, accord, concord, protocol, compact, convention, contract, pledge; truce; alliance.

 Maori, English
Fighting, Trading, Sharing
Weighted unjust biased uneven

WALT: learn

WALT: learn!
We will know we are successful when we agree to:
  • Believe in ourselves,
  • Take risks in our learning,
  • Manage self,
  • Display leadership / initiative,
  • Show integrity,
  • Strive for excellence,
  • Take responsibility for our learning,
  • Set challenging learning goals,
  • Learn from our mistakes,
  • Show determination in all situations,
  • Work in unity,
  • Know ourselves as a learner,
  • Think happy thoughts (positivity is the key!),
  • Respect others’ rights to learn, to feel safe and to be respected,
  • Practice being a responsible digital citizen.
Reflective Questions to answer:
  1. How do you feel about these agreements? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? I do like the that you learn from your mistakes.
  2. Which agreements will find easy to follow? Why? 
  3. Believe in ourselves, because it is fall.
  4. Which agreements will you find difficult to follow? Why?
  5. Strive for excellence, because it is hard to do.

Monday, 10 February 2014


 WALT: use colour effectively. This is my art. I had to take a photo of myself and print it and cut it out. I put it on a black pieced of paper and drawled round it and cut it out. I stuck it on the coloured paper. My picture is fantastic because it's got 6 colours and a big me in the middle.