
Thursday 3 September 2015

Maths Portfolio Sample term 3

WALT: In my maths group we were learning times tables & division 

We did division on this question it was 36 divide 5 =8 because I put down 5 people in 7 cars but in a car there is one person so there are 8 cars.

On this question we did times tables it was 6x7= 42 because there were 7 people in each 6 cars then I took the 2 from each 7 then 5x6=30 & 2x6=12 then 30+12=42.

Feedback/feedforward:I think what you did really well was how you wore able to think of two ways to answer the same question maybe next time you could add In some more detail is to what you did /ashley.

Evaluation: I did pretty well with my learning but I did need more info of what we were doing.


1 comment:

  1. Ross, it is not a bad thing to need more information on a questions - always make sure you ask questions so you can make the most of your learning time. You have done a great job, just remember to read the question carefully to make sure you know what the question is asking and what you need to work out.
